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  • Clear Braces (Invisalign®)

The ‘braces’ you wear when you’re not wearing braces

Braces are a rite of passage for many people, most commonly as teenagers. However the ‘metal mouth’ look can make them feel self conscious at a stage in their life when they’re often already feeling self conscious. So what if there was an alternative to metal braces that was just as effective but didn’t come with the hassle of metal wires and bands in your mouth? Thankfully, there is!

Discover the benefits of Invisalign®, the ‘clear braces’ available from My Smile Dental. For people with only mildly misaligned teeth, Invisalign provides the ideal corrective treatment that people will barely even know you’re having!


How does Invisalign® work?

Dr. Melly Salih of My Smile Dental is certified to provide patients with Invisalign treatment. The procedure is best suited to people with a milder misalignment of teeth, and involves installing a series of clear aligners that invisibly and slowly move teeth into their ‘correct’ position. We replace each aligner fortnightly as treatment moves forward, and we can supply you with a digital video file of the projected progression of your treatment from beginning to end. This gives you the opportunity to directly visualise the expected result. This video, called a “ClinCheck” can be modified to display your exact progress where clinically possible.

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Why opt for Invisalign®?

When you choose to have Invisalign ‘clear braces’ at My Smile Dental, you’ll feel just as happy to smile while you’re wearing them as you will when you have a straight, beautiful smile after having them removed. Invisalign offers a wealth of benefits, including:

  • The ability to remove your aligners when eating, brushing or flossing
  • Regular six week checks with your dentist or orthodontist ensure the process remains effective
  • Your teeth only move little by little, so there is minimal discomfort
  • You start to see results in just a few weeks
  • You may only need the Invisalign clear braces for as little time as 12 months
  • There are no metal wires or bands to irritate your mouth, which means little disruption to your lifestyle

The convenience and ease of Invisalign has made it the preferred option for over half a million people all seeking amazing new smiles. To discover what it can do for you, call My Smile Dental today on (03) 9390 9333 or book an appointment online.