518 Melton Hwy, Sydenham 3037, Victoria

New Patients

We look forward to welcoming you to our practice. Your appointment will be scheduled so that one of our dentists will be able to spend time with you to understand your concerns, your previous dental history and evaluate your treatment needs.
Please bring along any previous x-rays or treatment information that you may have. An up to date set of x-rays may be necessary.

Medical History Questionnaire

At your first visit we require that you complete a Medical questionnaire that will be kept in the strictest of confidence. This questionnaire will be kept on file and referred to at each visit.

You have two options in regards to completing the medical questionnaire:

1.You can either come to your appointment five minutes early and complete it while you wait.

2. You can download it online by clicking here or by clicking the button below. You then print it off at home, filling it out and bring it in with you on your first visit.

You are also able to request your first appointment via the website using the link in the menu of the website, or by clicking here to be taken directly to the page. You may also use the button below.

New Patient Form

We look forward to seeing you soon!